Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jingle Bell Run confirmation and details

Jingle Bell Run benefiting the Salvation Army

By the West Brazos Runners Club




Packet pick-up and in-person registration will be held Saturday December 20, 2014 at the American Legion Pavilion (203 E San Bernard, Brazoria, Texas)

From 7:00 am to 7:40 am.

Cash or check only (exact change is appreciated).



Event is Saturday, December 20, 2014 at American Legion Pavilion

located at 203 E San Bernard, Brazoria, TX

* 7:00AM Packet pick-up and race day registrations

* 7:40AM Kids Run

* 8:00 AM 5K Race and 1 Mile Walk



Parking is available next door at the Barrow Elementary school as well as across the street at Stewart’s Grocery Store.



Timing will be done by Leslie Bateman with LJFAT.  No chip timing, please wear bib in front.



There are restrooms near the start and finish line next to the pavilion.



The 5K course is certified with USATF #TX12091ETM, and runs through historic Old Town Brazoria, part of the course runs along the Brazos River.  The Course map is included, and the course will be well marked.  The 1 Mile walk splits from the 5K at Marion street.  From Market, turn left on Marion, left on Chestnut, right on Yerby, left on Gaines, and left on Burnett to finish line.



There will be numerous door prizes that have been donated by area businesses.  All registered participants will be eligible for these awesome prizes.

The numbers that will be drawn will correspond with your bib numbers.  Once the race has begun, the bib numbers will be drawn and attached to a door prize.  You must be present to win.



There will be medals given out to the top finisher overall and masters for male/female in 5k.

There will also be medals for the top 3 male/females in each age category for the race.  Top male and female walker will also receive a medal.



Photos will be taken throughout the event on the course and posted on the facebook page.



The free kids run consists of a 300 meter run.  Kids who finish will receive a kids finisher medal, Chili’s kid’s meal gift certificate, and Chick-fil-a ice cream certificate.



Sponsors for the race include Brazoria Lion’s Club, BASF, Lone Star Bank, Brazoria Telephone, Kroger’s, Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, Sports Authority, Academy, Chili’s, and Road ID.



This event will go on rain or shine.  In the event of lightning, we will hold start off until the lightning has passed. 


2014 Jingle Bell Run - December 20th- Brazoria, Texas

                                WEST BRAZOS RUNNERS CLUB 

                                PRESENTS THE 3rd ANNUAL



Register online at www.thedriven.net


DECEMBER 20, 2014
Check on box below:


   5K road race       Entry fee $25

    1 mile walk                   Entry fee $25

     Kids fun run      Free

Shirt is included to first 100 paid entries                    

What is your t-shirt size?    SM         MED     LG      XL

Make checks payable to :  West Brazos Runners Club


Mail checks and entry form to:

             West Brazos Runners Club

            602 Star Street

            Brazoria, TX 77422


 NAME LAST _________________________________ FIRST _______________________________

MALE ______ FEMALE ________ DOB _____________________ AGE RACE DAY _________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________ Phone ______________________

CITY ___________________________ ZIP ______________  EMAIL ________________________

Emergency Contact: _________________________________ Phone _____________________

Waiver: In submitting this entry I waive and release any and all claims for myself and my heirs against the West Brazos Runners Club or Salvation Army, race sponsors, their staff, race volunteers and officials, of this race for any injury or illness that may directly or indirectly result from my participation in the event.  Photographs taken become the property of the West Brazos Runners Club and may be used for promotional purposes without compensation to participants.  I also consent to any medical treatment I may require during or after the race.

Signature:  ______________________________________________________________________ 

                    (This entry is invalid unless signed by entrant or guardian of entrant who is under 18)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mutimodal What?

As if I wasn't crazy busy enough, being Mom, working full time as an appraiser, and training for crazy long distance events like Ultra Marathons and Ironman Triathlons, I decided in January to go to college at UHCL full time.  UHCL provides online classes that will allow me to get my Bachelor's Degree.  I have two associate degrees from Alvin Community College.  I took some time off, and decided I need to finish my education.  Spring 2014, I took 4 classes and juggled everything well enough to get 3 A's and a B.  This summer I am taking two classes.  The first one is called Basic Text Western Tradition II.  Our first major discussion is on multimodal composition.  Once I figured out what multimodal composition was, I got excited.  Here is a class that allows you to complete assignments and express yourself in new and innovative ways.  This refreshing spin on learning inspires a student to really get involved in their work.  Plus there are two examples of multimodal composition I utilize daily in my life.  This is my blog, almost like an online diary where I feel comfortable expressing myself.  Mostly the theme is around my hobby of endurance sports, running and triathlon. I enjoy reading other blogs and subscribe to many online.  The other major multimodal composition I enjoy daily is podcasts.  I originally found podcasts through iTunes.  Now I utilize my Stitcher app to listen to podcasts.  I listen while in the car, running or on the bike.  My favorites are mostly about endurance sports.  The extra Mile is a unique podcasts in which listeners may call in and record a short clip or as I do, save an audio file and email it to the producer, Kevin.  Kevin then records an intro, then strings all of the clips together, and records an ending, and posts these podcast shows for all to hear. Two other's that I listen to are Ultra Runner Podcast and Trail Runner Nation.  These podcasts are similar in that they focus on trail running and the ultra-running community.  A race longer than the marathon distance of 26.2 miles is considered an ultra.  These shows tend to involve an interview with elite runners in the sport or race directors of ultra-marathon races.  One of the best triathlon podcast is called Endurance Hour.  Dave Erickson and Roger Thompson are the host and they do a recap of Ironman races that happen each week, interviews with elite racers, and prize giveaways.  Marathon Training Academy and Zen in the Art of Triathlon are also great listens as the producers are athletes and coaches and share their own experiences with the listeners.  Lastly, the one podcasts that I follow that has nothing to do with endurance sports is called We're Alive.  It is a radio show that is in its third season.  The show is about a group of survivors during the Zombie Apocalypse.  And since they do their fair share of running, I guess it does appeal to me. The production of this show is amazing, including a full cast and sound effects.  I hope to utilize multimodal composition to complete all assignments for the college class.  This opportunity has inspired me to look forward to learning.  

Monday, April 21, 2014

So you want to be an ironman?

Last year saw many first, my first triathlon.  I did 3 sprint distance triathlons: Combat Tri in Texas City, Sugarland Tri, and Blackland Tri in Plano.  My first ultra, the 50K at Huntsville State Park.  2014 has new challenges to conquer. My first 70.3 half ironman distance triathlon.  I've chosen the Onalaska Tri on 09/14/14 at lake Livingston.  This is not an Ironman branded event which I feel is a smart move as I am looking for a smaller venue to get my feet wet.  Leading up to this event, I will complete the Sugarland Tri on June 22, and the Shadow Creek Ranch Triathlon on July 13th.  The Sugarland Tri was such a great race, I was excited to be able to compete in it once again.  And since all my tri's last year were pool swims, I felt it important to find a sprint tri with an open water swim to get a feel for it before the 70.3 which of course is a 1.2 mile open water swim in lake Livingston.  Luckily I have a great team of endurance athletes that like to train with me and are willing to also take on this challenge, so there are four of us competing and two coming to support us in our endeavor.  I was very active in my running during the winter, which is as expected, as I love to run.  I did however neglect my biking and swimming.  This month I have started back to making a weekly effort to bike and swim.  Today was my 3rd time in the pool this season, and I was happy to find that my swim speed is still where I was at the end of the season last year.  The bike upgrade I was hoping for this spring won't happen due to lack of funds.  Family and home became a bigger priority, but I feel confident I can put in the training needed to finish.  Here's to Tri-ing!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Texas Beef Running Team

My first race to run as a member of the Texas Beef Running Team was the Galveston Marathon.  This year I am considered a Beef Tip.  My first year I have to meet the requirements of running at least 3-4 Team approved races and volunteering at a team approved race all in my Beef Jersey.  After this year, I will be a full fledged member and get all the great benefits of being on the Team!
We had a Beef Team meet up before the start of the race and we took Team pics.

During the race, there were Beef Team members, cheering, taking pics, and handing out awesome cold wet towels.  Loved the wet towels as it was hot and humid during this race!

This marathon was my fourth full marathon and even though conditions weren't ideal, I surprised myself with a PR of 4:24:19.

Go Beef!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 year in review

2013 was a busy year.  I completed 16 races, starting with the Houston Chevron Marathon on 01/13/13 in 4:26:38.  

On 01/26/13, me and the kids volunteered at the Surfside Shuffle, this was also Erin's birthday!

The next race was the Sugar and Spice half marathon on 02/17/13 in 2:13:36, this run was 13.9 miles as I went the wrong way oops.

The Sugarland Half Marathon was on 03/03/2013 and my finish time was 2:09:17.

Angie's half crazy half marathon was on my birthday 04/07/13, and I finished in 2:11:46.

My first ever triathlon was the Combat Tri in Texas City on 05/25/13 and finish time for the Sprint distance was 1:32:25.

The Sugarland Tri was 06/23/13 and I felt much more confident at this race finishing in 1:14:44.

The Firecracker 4 miler on 07/04/13 was a hot one and I finished in 35:50.  I love that my kids came to run this one!

The Blackland Tri was in Plano on 09/02/2013 and I finished in 1:36:29.  The hills and rain tried to beat me.

I scored a 1st place age group award at the Hometown Hero 5K in West Columbia on 09/14/13 with a finish time of 28:13.

Another 1st place age group award at the BCPOA 5K in Lake Jackson on 09/21/13 finish time of 27:32.

A fun first ever Lake Jackson Pub Crawl had a great turn out on 09/28/13.

One more 1st place age group award at the Holy Trinity 5K in Angleton on 10/05/13 in 27:20 finish.

A wet and muddy Brazos Bend half marathon on 10/27/13 with a finish of 2:18:00.

The Clear Lake City was exciting a new PR in 1:55:26 and 3rd place age group award on 11/10/13.

The Sugarland Turkey Trot on 11/28/13 was my first 5 miler with a finish of 43:14.

The Texas Trail Endurance Run on 12/07/13 was my first Ultra, a 50K at Huntsville State Park with a finish of 6:17:13.

On 12/14/13, I was the race director of the Brazoria Jingle Bell Run, we had a great turnout!

On 12/15/2013 I ran the Sugarland 30K and got a 21 minute PR with a finish of 3:03:53.

I had so much fun running, racing and volunteering in 2013.  Can't wait to see what 2014 may bring!