Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 year in review

2013 was a busy year.  I completed 16 races, starting with the Houston Chevron Marathon on 01/13/13 in 4:26:38.  

On 01/26/13, me and the kids volunteered at the Surfside Shuffle, this was also Erin's birthday!

The next race was the Sugar and Spice half marathon on 02/17/13 in 2:13:36, this run was 13.9 miles as I went the wrong way oops.

The Sugarland Half Marathon was on 03/03/2013 and my finish time was 2:09:17.

Angie's half crazy half marathon was on my birthday 04/07/13, and I finished in 2:11:46.

My first ever triathlon was the Combat Tri in Texas City on 05/25/13 and finish time for the Sprint distance was 1:32:25.

The Sugarland Tri was 06/23/13 and I felt much more confident at this race finishing in 1:14:44.

The Firecracker 4 miler on 07/04/13 was a hot one and I finished in 35:50.  I love that my kids came to run this one!

The Blackland Tri was in Plano on 09/02/2013 and I finished in 1:36:29.  The hills and rain tried to beat me.

I scored a 1st place age group award at the Hometown Hero 5K in West Columbia on 09/14/13 with a finish time of 28:13.

Another 1st place age group award at the BCPOA 5K in Lake Jackson on 09/21/13 finish time of 27:32.

A fun first ever Lake Jackson Pub Crawl had a great turn out on 09/28/13.

One more 1st place age group award at the Holy Trinity 5K in Angleton on 10/05/13 in 27:20 finish.

A wet and muddy Brazos Bend half marathon on 10/27/13 with a finish of 2:18:00.

The Clear Lake City was exciting a new PR in 1:55:26 and 3rd place age group award on 11/10/13.

The Sugarland Turkey Trot on 11/28/13 was my first 5 miler with a finish of 43:14.

The Texas Trail Endurance Run on 12/07/13 was my first Ultra, a 50K at Huntsville State Park with a finish of 6:17:13.

On 12/14/13, I was the race director of the Brazoria Jingle Bell Run, we had a great turnout!

On 12/15/2013 I ran the Sugarland 30K and got a 21 minute PR with a finish of 3:03:53.

I had so much fun running, racing and volunteering in 2013.  Can't wait to see what 2014 may bring!