Saturday, November 7, 2015

Top campaign Fines and Current Election Numbers

Campaign Fines

Campaigns must report donations of $1000 or more within 20 days of Election Day.

FEC rules allow a maximum of $46,000 for campaign donation from donors.  Donations that exceed this amount must be refunded within 60 days.  What happens when these rules are violated?

The Obama campaign was fined $375,000 for these offences by the FEC for the 2008 election. 

Reed the full story at:

Current Election Numbers:

Candidates were required to file reports on their campaign donations on October 15th.  This is only part of the picture.  SuperPacs aren't required to report donations until January 31st. 

Here is where the top candidates stand according to most recent reports:

Total Raised by Campaigns in the Third Quarter (in Millions)

1 Hillary Clinton Clinton $29.9
2 Bernie Sanders Sanders 26.2
3 Ben Carson Carson 20.8
4 Jeb Bush Bush 13.4
5 Ted Cruz Cruz 12.2
6 Carly Fiorina Fiorina 6.8
7 Marco Rubio Rubio 5.7
8 John Kasich Kasich 4.4
9 Chris Christie Christie 4.2
10 Donald Trump Trump 3.9
11 Rand Paul Paul 2.5
12 Martin O’Malley O’Malley 1.3
13 Mike Huckabee Huckabee 1.2
14 Lindsey Graham Graham 1.1
15 Lawrence Lessig Lessig 1.0
16 Jim Webb Webb 0.7
17 Bobby Jindal Jindal 0.6
18 Rick Santorum Santorum 0.4
19 George Pataki Pataki 0.2
20 Jim Gilmore Gilmore 0.1
21 Lincoln Chafee Chafee 0.0
22 Scott Walker Dropped out Walker Dropped out 7.4