Monday, November 4, 2013

Ultra Race

The A race on the schedule is the Texas Trail Endurance Run on December 7th, a 50K ultra at Huntsville State Park on some technical trails with hills, roots, and pine trees.  This event is put on by Soler Sports and has me training some high mileage long runs to be ready.  Last long run was a 22 miler that had me feeling strong and confident that I can finish the Ultra.  Plan is to do a 24 miler and a 26 miler before tapering for the race.  Somehow working in some shorter distance races before the Ultra.  This weekend I'll be running the Clear Lake City half marathon.  Not expecting to PR as my focus hasn't been preparing for this distance.  Though I know I can easily finish the distance,  I won't be running at full speed.  I will save some for the heavy training I am putting in for my Ultra.  Love the fall season and cool fronts that make training so nice this time of year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013 Combat Triathlon Review

On May 25th, I participated in my first ever triathlon.  Being a runner, I thought maybe triathlon will help me cross train and be less stress and injury.  Our local triathlete club, LJFAT had a great contest, called IronMay.  The contest was to complete the ironman distance at swimming, biking, and running in the whole month of May and log your progress.  This was great for me, as I had never swam and biked so much in one month, and it's great training for the Combat Triathlon at the end of the month.  I was able to complete the contest, and felt ready for the triathlon.  Being my first triathlon, I was pretty nervous.  I've never been a strong swimmer, and had a drowning experience in the past.  I also get foot cramps in cold water so my anxiety level was pretty high.  Luckily I was starting the pool swim at the back of the pack and had time to watch all the fast swimmers go through.  The swim was at the College of the Mainland in Texas City, and if anything, the water was too warm.  I had people in front of me, behind me, and all around, I panicked.  I was really glad that the pool was only 4 feet deep throughout the entire length, as the anxiety was very strong and I was really glad I could touch bottom when needed.  I came out of the pool in 8:39 and very stressed.  The 300 yard pool swim was done, I could transition to the bike.  I remembered exactly where my bike was, and was still feeling the remnants of the anxiety from the poor swim.  I shook it off, got geared up, and headed out pushing my bike to the line.  The 15 mile bike ride was an out and bike along the feeder road of the highway.  I started out a little too fast, and finally found a good pace.  I didn't have my garmin on, so I rode by feel and tracked my time with my ironman watch.  I had another lady who kept about the same pace, and we took turns leading.  Then at an intercetion, a police officer put his hand out and I hit the brakes.  The lady flew past me, and I lost her from that point on.  I finished the bike in 50:42 and hit transition for the run.  In transition, I had my right calf and both feet cramp up while trying to change shoes.  These cramps were debilitating and I had no choice but to stretch them out and wait for them ease before I could move on.  I finally started my run with legs that felt like jello.  At this point, all I could think was I just have to finish.  The run went through a residential section and I was able to run all except the water breaks.  I saw a man in a yellow jersey ahead of me, so I decided to try and catch him.  When I finally got close enough to read his age on the back of his leg, I saw that he was 73.  I caught up and chatted with him for a mile, before he told me to go ahead and finish strong.  I finished the 3 mile run in 29:13.  As I came through the finish chute, I remarked that this was as hard as my first marathon.  Which even though my overall time was 1:32:25, I definately felt that the exertion level was significant.  It was a humbling experience for me to finish at the "back of the Pack."  I have plenty of progress to be made and am training for the next one. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Jingle Bell Run 2013

The inaugural Jingle Bell Run in 2012 was such a success, we are bringing it back for 2013.  This event benefits the Salvation Army of Brazoria County.  Come run or walk with us while you ring the bell for the Salvation Army.

When:  December 14, 2013
Where: Brazoria American Legion Pavilion
What: 5K run or 1 mile walk and kids fun run
Who:  You and your friends and family
How:  online registration at

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sugar and Spice Inaugural half Marathon

The Sugar and Spice half marathon had all the makings of a great event.  I very enthusiastic race director, way cool swag that included a long sleeve tech shirt, a nice bag, a ear warmer head band, a sports bottle, chapstick and a koozie.  There was 350 women registered and the weather was perfect, about 45 degrees at race start.  However, it goes down as my worst race and here is why:  There was a turn before mile 2 that wasn't marked clearly and many missed this turn.  No one was at the turn directing traffic off the main road we were running down, which means I ran .8 miles more than the 13.1.  Every time I ran up to a mile marker I knew the race was off on distance.  This was very fustrating as I knew it blew any chance of a PR and my rank in my age group is off as I can't tell how many missed the turn and how many didn't.  On a personal note, I had some pain in my tendon on the outside of my right knee that was making running hard very difficult.  I was really exhausted going into the event and with the pain, and the fustration of the poorly marked course, I was mad the entire time I ran.  I am scheduled to run this course again on my birthday, April 7th and I hope the course is corrected at that time.  I hope to do better, though the chances of the temps being warmer are significant which warmer temps equals slower running times for me.  I am scheduled to run the Sugarland half marathon on March 3rd, so I hope I can redeem myself and have a better race there.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013 Chevron Marathon

Houston Marathon 2013: I felt like I was trained and ready to not only finish, but run a decent (for me) race. After coming off some decent half marathon times I even had hope a new marathon PR. Then the weather forecast became a reality. I was sharing a room with running friends, Leslie and Tiffany. Leslie had signed up for the full, but had to defer with a knee injury. She made the best of the day by using her nursing skills to volunteer at medical about  mile 18. Tiffany ran the half marathon so we walked from the hotel to the start lines. This hotel only had 1 queen size bed that they shared, so I was sleeping on a cot, not too bad except I could feel the springs poking me. With the threat of cold and rain, I packed every possible outfit. I bought compression socks at the expo and wore those under my regular running socks which helped keep my feet a little drier. I ended up running the race with a poncho that I wore the entire time, even when it wasn't raining. The start of the race was wet and cold, but adrenaline was keeping me from feeling it. I met a very nice older man who comes down every year from Colorado to run this race. He was planning to run a much faster pace than I could, so we parted ways as soon as the race started. I spent a lot of energy dodging as many large puddles as I could trying to keep my feet as dry as possible. This definately added extra time and distance, but felt it was worth the effort. I was running a sub 10 min/mile pace and walking through water stops so felt pretty good there. Around the half marathon mark, I saw a guy wearing a marathon maniac top and ran with him for 2 miles. I asked him a couple questions about races he has ran and he got my mind off the running for a while. He says he runs a marathon almost every weekend, and takes the week off to recover. His goal is 100 marathons by the time his daughter graduates high school and I believe he had done 67 so far. He must travel alot to find a marathon every weekend. After we parted, I was starting to feel all my aches and pains until I saw my friend volunteering at water station mile 18.  Mile 15-18 was mentally tough. Seeing a familiar face really helped boost me up. Mile 22-26+ was tough, I knew I was close to a PR but my right hip felt out of allignment. ( all the jumping around puddles had taken its toll) Finally the end was great. I knew I had a PR, my pace went from 10:39 to 10:11 from the prior year. As soon as I stopped and unzipped my poncho, the clothes under were soaked from sweat (ick) and got really cold, so I started shivering bad. I had massage help stretch out the legs and hips. I grapped my car and headed home.
I made many trips to the chiropracter since then and even took an entire week off running jan 20-26 to help recover from this marathon. I ran 9 miles during the super bowl and had a good run, no pain and managed an overall 5.7 mph. I walked every half mile for 30 seconds.
Next up is the Sugar and Spice half 02/17, Sugarland half 03/03 and the Angie's half 04/07. Also my first tri is 04/27 and have been swimming and biking every week as well.
I'm determined to do an ultra eventually. I had signed up for the 50K 01/27 but DNF'd due to lingering pains after Houston. I think I can finish an ultra as long as I treat it like a long training run and not try to "race" it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ready to run the Houston Chevron Marathon

Sunday January 13th I will line up at 6:30 am with 20,000+ other runners as we wait to run the Houston Chevron Marathon and half. This will be my second year to run this Marathon. Last year I ran it as my second full marathon and finished with a 50 minute PR. Needless to say my first marathon was a hot mess, quite literally, San Antonio was hot and miserable in November 2011. So last year my Houston finish time was 4:39, which I was pleased with. This year I am hoping to beat that but not by much. My A goal is a 4:30. This weekend is quite jam packed with hosting a baby shower on Friday night, taking the Girl Scout troop to horse camp Saturday morning and headed to pick up my race packet Saturday evening and check in with my girl friends as we share a hotel room just blocks from the start line of the race.  The weather forecast is not looking good, as the chance of rain for Sunday morning keeps increasing.  The worry of blisters and cold wet mess is on the mind. Wishing much luck to all my fellow running buddies who will be towing the line with me Sunday morning.